Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 7 Leon

I spent a fantastic night in a wonderful campsite called Eden. And it wasn't joking. The ground was soft and lush and for once my tent pegs went in easy. Up early ish and out for the flat ride to Leon. 

I stopped in Saghuan and saw my first real life Bull Ring. No bulls though. 

As you know  I don't much like stopping in the larger cities such as Leon but felt that it might be worth a quick look.  Well I wasn't disappointed. 
But that's just the bank..this is the cathedral 

After an ice cream in the sunshine 29 degrees, I set off to Hospital a further 30km down the road. But imagine my horror when arriving at the campsite at 7.45pm they told me it had just this day closed for the season.  

Now as part of my daily ruminations I had decided that I wanted to meet up with some of my fellow 'walking' pelegrinos. I had decided that they deserved much more respect than I had originally accorded and that the closer we were all getting to Compostela the stronger the sense of a collective goal. Almost Close Encounters of a Third Kind of feeling.

I have my suspicion that what is happening is a process of individuation. A stripping down to the core to see the self and then to rebuild oneself as part of a collective oneness. Well that's my take on Jung's individuation process but I may well have it totally wrong. :-) 

So tonight I am sleeping in my first Alberge and I will have time to ask the questions that have been crossing my mind. I want to ask one young and one older peregrino why they are walking the Camino 

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