Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 3 in brief

Well I'd like to say it was amazing but you know what? It was just a rubbish day. That's if you look at it in terms of miles cycled.  I had a puncture which really is no biggy but when I went to change said puncture I realised I had made the mistake, yes this is numpty time, of having put my knacked race tyre on the front. I'm surprised I'd got this far.  

But the thing is this is all part if the journey.  I proceeded to try to find a tyre having patched up the hole in Pamplona. But siesta time meant I had to hang around for three hours . When i did find a tyre it wasnt the right kind, beung a purist continental four season tyre tourer type. Now had I been listening instead if kicking myself for the mistake I'd have stopped and had a bit of a tourist day but I didn't.  Instead I enjoyed the cycle paths of Pamplona and took time out to chat to various campers who kept reappearing from the previous nights camp site.  In fact it turned out to be worthwhile just to do this. I haven't quite got to grips with the connections yet but if you have ever read the Celestine  Prophecy you will know what I'm burbling about.  

Finally got on the road at about 5 without a new tyre and decided to get out of the city and trust in my guardians to keep me safe from punctures. 

I ended up in an alberge on top of a hill along with a hundred or so pilgrims! Oh company i hear you say but alas it appears this pilgrimage of mine is meant to be solitary. I was not a happy bunny Thankfully I had my tent and had space unlike everyone else who were sleeping on mattresses on the floors. 

So I have decided that all thoughts of regret had i ever had them of not having backpacked around Australia with everyone else has been Totally resolved. 
Or maybe the truth is simple - I'm just a grumpy oldish git. 

The silence you have on the bike is so precious and the contrast was huge. 

Note to self buy earplugs 

On the upside This was the view from my personal balcony.  Oh and I tried bacon and green chilli butties for supper.  Think it's good I have my own tent really.

1 comment:

sabina moon said...
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