Saturday 19 July 2014

Here I go again.....

I keep being asked the question, have you mapped your trip to Iceland? and what's the plan?  Both very good questions that I simply haven't been able to answer. The truth is the very act of not planning is I believe what Iceland is all about.  You can't plan distances or  times simply because you have to respect the weather and go with the flow....  The wind flow that is.  Apparently days can be lost due to headwinds that make a 20km ride last a day.  So with this in mind, I am indeed relaxed about my itinerary.

The planning has involved a pen, a map and a simple lonely planet guide book. I have drawn a red line in a vague circle outlining the sort of area I'd like to ride through. Whilst  I have an idea of where I'm heading I am so not sure of what I will find when I get there.

I love it when a non plan comes together!
( P:S The maps red line is not my red line.... Phew!)

1 comment:

Hal said...

Have fun and keep going