Wednesday 1 August 2012

Les Landes

They were remarkable. From my guide I had been warned about the monotony of this landscape but I was unprepared.

The roads stretched out way in front as far a the eye could see. Zero percent gradient and little wind. Perfect for the first 20 miles but then what do you do? I sang, had full conversations with myself and spent hours inside my head. Then came the revelation. This was exactly what the wilderness was meant to be. No Thing. So I tried as hard as I might to stay in the moment and savour everything around.

Another mad ramble.... Time is really only measured in your head. The journey started and finished and where I went in between was up to me. I could see it as minutes or think of it as hours. As it was I fell in love with this area The smell of sun bleached pine trees does it for me every time.

I have a video which I'll try to upload so watch this space. Literally!!!!

Well it appears that I neglected to notice that I have to climb 7000 feet with my panniers etc tomorrow. So of today was flat? I hope they didn't smooth out all the hills to the end of France jut for me! Gulp.

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