Tuesday, 1 August 2017


We think Sheila may have reached Eskdalemuir - but to be honest, we're guessing as we lost contact half an hour ago...
From here, it is downhill (almost) all the way to Brampton, where Sheila will grab a couple of hours’ sleep.
South of Eskdalemuir, the D709 ends at Langholm, home of the Edinburgh Woollen Mill, and known colloquially as the "Muckle Toun". Langholm was the birthplace of Thomas Telford and is also the ancestral home of the Armstrong Clan.
Astronaut Neil Armstrong apparently took a swatch of the clan’s tartan with him on 21 July 1969 when he went for his short walk on the moon and, on visiting the town in 1972, was made the first Freeman of The Burgh.
As far as we are aware, seven times winner of the Tour de France, Lance Armstrong, has never visited the town and there are no plans to make the lying, cheating bastard a Freeman of The Burgh.
Sheila has asked us to thank everyone who has been posting messages on this page. Although she is unable to respond, she is reading through them avidly at her feed stops and getting much pleasure and encouragement from all the kind words.
Eight miles from Langholm, Sheila will arrive back at the English border with 372 miles of hard pedalling to do before she completes the course…

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