Monday, 31 July 2017


Arriving at Brampton shortly before 10 pm, Sheila is now 345 miles from where she started in Loughton and will need to ride another 547 before she gets back there.
The good news is that she is virtually at the border with Scotland and there are less than 100 miles before she reaches Edinburgh. The bad news is that almost the entire Lowlands Mountain chain lies between Sheila and Edinburgh and, once she has got there, turned around and headed south, the Moorfoot Hills and then the Tweedsmuir Hills will still need to be conquered.
If Sheila hasn’t gorged on too many flapjacks, jelly babies and figalus, she can stop on the road to Moffat at Ecclefechan and buy a bag of Ecclefechan Tarts (which are not to be confused with fechan Eccles cakes, which come from somewhere near Manchester).
Hardly known outside southern Scotland, the Ecclefechan Tart was adopted by Sainsburys in 2007 and briefly marketed as “a Christmas culinary rival for the mince pie”. Sainsbury’s advertising was unsuccessful and Ecclefechan Tarts were returned to their relative obscurity.
For anyone interested in making their own Ecclefechan Tarts, celebrity Scottish chef, Jamie Oliver, provides a recipe in one of his cookery books. The principal ingredients are butter, butter pastry, more butter, dried fruit, a minute quantity of whiskey and some more butter.
From Brampton, it is a 46-mile run up through Lockerbie to the control point at Moffat and Sheila will then mount her assault on Edinburgh.
Getting in the mood for Scotland, here's The Bad Piper playing “We Will (Edinburgh?) Rock You”… on his bagpipes - and, helpfully, there's even a link in case you want to buy the CD.

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