Saturday, 27 August 2016

Time out

The weather here is soaring to above 30-35 degrees and that's pretty hot.  I have decided that given the next stage may involve a few hills I would have a layover day of a short recovery ride and some 

My campsite last night was brilliant and I slept very well next to the Main. In the morning I was reluctant to leave but thought I may as well push on a short way and then get to the next campsite early. 

This worked out just as planned. Nothing unusual just a beautiful day on a lovely part of Bavaria. I would recommend Wertheim and it's surrounding villages as a rich place to explore.  I would return to this 'romantic' area of Getmany.  

As I was walking through one if the towns a fair and fete was in full swing.  Girls were walking around in a traditional folk dress and everyone was full on sunshine.  That and the copious beers.  But the mood was buoyant and lively.  

I gently peddled along the main until I reached another waterside campsite.  I had a plan, I was going to have a spa treatment.  Well to be honest not quite a Spa but I had purchased an enticing therapeutic balm at the fete and I reckoned a dip in the cool Main followed by a long streatch out in the sunshine and as self massaged masseag was just the ticket. It was. I actually fell asleep on the bank with a little duck for company. 

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