Not every day had to be a good day and it would be unfair to expect that. But I was a bit pissed off the way this day panned out.
It all started really well with an early get away from the campsite. I had eaten well the night before as I knew today was a bit of a challenge. Some climbing and quite a few miles my notes til me.
I was very sad to say goodbye to the River Main as I had felt comfortable and entertained by the life around it. However changing river vallies means climbing out of one into another. Actually I should say this was the best part of the day. My climbing legs were ok. Getting over a 12% hill that lasts a good few kilometers fully loaded is no simple thing but as the expression goes "Slowlt slowly catch the monkey". In fact it made me work pretty hard but the road surface was Tarmac unlike last years climbs in Iceland so it was good travelling.
I made good time and thought I'd be able to get to Regensburg before 7pm so as to set up camp and do some washing while thee was still heat. So bring on those mischief monkeys that mess with time and maps.
Actually I want to take a pause here. There is something that on reflection I have decided. Whichever way, route , journey or landscape I seem to visit a dark place of digging deep to get out of it. Today was this day. The monkeys scrambled brain and GPS and I once again found myself atop of a plateau looking out over a wonderous landscape wondering where the hell I was? If there is one thing I truly hate on a journey it's having to go back on yourself to go forwards. I have fought hard against this and found it to be my cost. Today was one of those.

So I stopped an gave myself a good talking to. I made a plan. The main thing was food I needed to eat and the next was light which was fading fast. I high tailed it, as fast as you can with a luggage aboard into Hanmnu a local town. 8km in and out but worth it. That's the best Falafel kebab I have ever had and the Coke went swiftly down. Replenished and happy I had some water on board I set off again. In my panic to feed and water I accidentally deleted all my data for today's ride. Marvellous, just bloody marvellous. Mercury was obviously havering a goo day up in the heavens. No QoMs for me today. Hahahahah
It was obvious that I was not going to be in Regensburg as planned and it was also obvious today was going to involve a night ride. I stopped and kitted up as best I could with lights and checked I was ok. "All is good!" An expression I have heard a lot in Germany. Let's do this Sheila.
I love cycling in the dark. You have a sense of being the only person on the planet with all the smells and noises of the wildlife around. I ha lots if company on my way. Owls and rusting critters were everywhere. Why am I not afraid? I mused at this point? The answer came back pretty quickly. If you stopped to think about the dark and what fears may lie in it you would not make a move. The fear of the fear is enough to stop anyone moving forwards and I didn't have time for that today. Also growing up on a moorland with no "street lights" you become accustomed to the dark. Make friends with it but listen to you're intuition has always been a mantra. I was ok.
As if by magic the hours sped past as swiftly as the hills and kilometers. I was in Regensburg. The campsite was all closed but a swift nod to the local bar owner and I'm inside and pitching the tent. I was glad to get my head down. Although the ground was hard and cold and the campsite was noisy but I slept.
Any hooo. Crossing the road? Ahhhh the waft of a familiar smell that took me straight home to Kent. The smell if Hops.